Recommendation in „JUVE-Handbuch Wirtschaftskanzleien 2019/2020“
GAZEAS NEPOMUCK has been recommended in Germanys leading industry handbook JUVE-Handbuch Wirtschaftskanzleien 2019/2020 as a law firm for criminal law regarding economic offenses (advice/defence of individuals).
With regard to the reputation and the standing of GAZEAS NEPOMUCK in the market environment, the evaluation states: “The law firm, which has only been in existence since 2018, has gained a very good reputation within a very short time, especially among civil law firms. But also competitors in the field of economic criminal law pay tribute to the young unit.” GAZEAS NEPOMUCK is the only law firm nationwide in the handbook which in addition to individual defence is mentioned witch a focus on international legal assistance law. In the market analysis on the development in the field of criminal law regarding economic and tax offenses, the JUVE editorial board highlights the “solid start” made by GAZEAS NEPOMUCK and the “largely seamless” continuation of existing mandates in the new firm.
Founding Partner Dr. Nikolaos Gazeas has also been highlighted as an “often recommended” attorney. According to the JUVE handbook, competitors describe him as “professionally excellent, strategically outstanding” and as “creative, gets the best results for his clients”. According to competitors, he is “one of the best in international legal assistance matters”.
The annually published JUVE Handbook of Corporate Law Firms is the most important and recognized ranking for corporate law firms in Germany. The ranking is based on interviews with 11,197 lawyers from 1,271 law firms, 4,150 completed questionnaires from 660 law firms and 1,002 recommendations from clients belonging to 941 companies.